Breed standardIrish Glen of Imaal Terrier

General Appearance Medium-sized with medium-length coat, great strength with impression of maximum substance for the size of dog.
Body longer than high.
Characteristics Active, agile and silent when working. Native of County Wicklow and named after the Glen of Imaal.
Temperament Game and spirited with great courage when called upon, otherwise gentle and docile.
Head and Skull Of good width and fair length with powerful foreface. Muzzle to taper towards nose. Well defined stop. Nose black.
Eyes Brown, medium size, round and set well apart. Light eyes undesirable.
Ears Small, rose or half pricked when alert, thrown back when in repose. Full drop or prick undesirable.
Mouth Jaws strong, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Teeth of good size.
Neck Very muscular and of moderate length.
Forequarters Shoulders broad, muscular and well laid back. Forelegs short, bowed and well boned.
Body Deep and of medium length, slightly longer than height at withers. Well sprung ribs with neither flat nor barrel appearance.
Chest wide and strong. Topline slightly rising to a strong loin.
Hindquarters Strong, well muscled, with good thighs and good bend of stifle. Hocks turned neither in nor out.
Feet Compact and strong with rounded pads. Front feet to turn out slightly from pastern.
Tail Docking previously optional.
Docked: Strong at root. Well set on and carried gaily.
Undocked: Strong at root. Well set on and carried gaily. In overall balance with rest of the dog.
Gait/Movement Free in action. Covers the ground effortlessly with good drive behind.
Coat Medium length, of harsh texture with soft undercoat. Coat may be tidied to present a neat outline.
Colour Blue, brindle and wheaten (all shades).
Size 35-36 cms (14 ins) at the shoulder is maximum height for dogs and bitches.
Faults Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be
regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
Notes Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.